There's only one thing in the diary for today and that to try out an online social event organised by Mirthy. This one is 'coffee and crossword', and from what was said at the recent coffee morning, I think that all the attendees will put their heads together to solve a cryptic crossword provided by the organiser. It's a 'testing the water' event for me - I like doing cryptic crosswords and it's something I did with Ced every day throughout our relationship. We used to do the daily crossword over the course of the day solving a few clues every time we stopped for coffee or during the advert breaks, but this will be a different approach as we'll be solving the entire crossword in one hour long session and I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy that approach. It's worth a try anyway.
H texted me yesterday to arrange a Zoom meeting so she can tell us about her 2022 photography challenge. We'd already committed to a small cost, i.e. £20, and a parcel arrived from her yesterday which is presumably what the money was for. I don't know what it is yet as we are under strict instructions to wait to open it during the Zoom meeting ... it is book shaped though. She confirmed last night that the meeting will be on Friday and that's when she'll reveal the details of the challenge. All I know so far is that it is a year long challenge, there are four of us taking part (H, myself and two others), it seems to require a book, and that we will be meeting up at various times during the year, Covid and weather permitting. I feel quite excited about it and whatever the challenge is, it will be something to look forward to during 2022.
Something else to look forward to next year is that Joy has challenged herself to do another blog 365, taking a daily photo throughout 2022. She's much better at completing this sort of challenge than I am but I've invited myself to join her on the challenge in the hope I'll complete it this time! Joy is undecided whether to post daily or weekly but I will be posting daily as that's the only way I'll stay focused.
It's supposed to be dry today so I'm going out for a walk as soon as I've had my breakfast and meds. I feel in need of some fresh air. When I get back the two things to focus on today are piano practice and to finish reading the book club choice for Friday.
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