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Nine to Five


What am I wearing? 
Swim suit
What am I doing?
Where am I?
The local gym
What's the sky like?
A beautiful blue with white wispy clouds
What's motivating me?
Little bubbles that sparkle in the sunshine that is streaming in through the windows
Trying to keep up with the man in the next lane who does 4 lengths to my 2.
The thought that I'm keeping myself healthy and supple!
I may complete a mile today.
The knowledge that on the return length I won't be able to see the McDonald's sign sticking up from the roof of the building opposite. Arggh! I can see a reflection of it in the sauna window.


What am I wearing?
Polka dot brown 'dossing'* dress
What am I doing?

Where am I?
In the garden room
What's the sky like?
Same as earlier on
What's motivating me?
The pile of ironing becoming smaller and smaller


What am I wearing?
Same as before.
What am I doing?
Eating tea - chicken casserole with rice
Where am I?
In the back room
What's the sky like?
Same as earlier on
What's motivating me?
The thought of the next mouthful!

I'm linking to Thrift Deluxe's blog today as her blog is called Nine to Five.

* old dress for lounging about in

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