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Overdue Erratas


Somehow old cards still keep popping up in degenerate combos, mostly due to the oversight of previous years when it comes to loop possibilities and futureproofing. Because the article would be double or triple in size if we included cards currently banned, we are only going to look at cards currently legal in the TCG, in no specific order, and suggest the edits needed.

"HOPT" = "Hard Once Per Turn", aka "You can only use this/each effect of "X" once per turn.". In general this is the solution to most of the cards listed below.

Dante - Floating HOPT

Yeah, not exactly a mind-bender, so lets get captain Obvious out of the way first. Xyz "Dante" was never designed with easy sending to the GY in mind. The only method to do that regularly in Zexal was by being detached from "Beatrice", whose Summon has a steep cost and by default she doesn't do anything on the turn of her summoning. Links changed that completely, resulting in a frankly broken +ing loop that you can trigger on average 3 times per turn. Milling 3 as a cost also proved beyond idiotic, but we'll set that aside for now. "Dante"'s floating effect needs an HOPT limitation.

Yes, "Aquaactress". In both of these cases, Konami is afraid of printing more support for these sh!ts because the lack of HOPTs leaves them one step away from being busted, despite being garbage at the moment. More specifically, I'm referring to: "Aquaactress Arowana", "Aquaactress Tetra", "Scrap Golem", "Scrap Hunter", "Scrap Recycler" (both effects), "Scrap Searcher".

Orcusta - Retroactive DARK Restriction

"...also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters." -> "You cannot Special Summon monsters the turn you use this effect, except DARK monsters." The lack of a common mechanic has hurt "Orcusts", forcing them to have brainless consistency boosting, which in turn allows them to be mixed too much with random stuff, just throwing in a limitation in the end that barely changes anything. Really limiting what they can be mixed wirh in turn allows them to be completely unlimited.

Niribu - Token Position fix

"...and if you do, Special Summon this card from your hand, then your opponent Special Summons 1 "Primal Being Token"..." This changes who Summons the Token, and as a result, who chooses its summoning position. What "Nibiru" needs is an actual risk, and an 8k+ ATK beatstick is just that, otherwise the Token might as well not be there. Alternatively you could increase the number of required Summons from 5 to 8, but people would bitch too much with such extreme changes.

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