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28mm Adventure-scale Buildings from Sarissa

In preparation for RetCon-USA Gameday, I finished some MDF structures from Sarissa Precision. These were their Storage Pod, Small Water Tower, and two grain Silos. These will dress up my Zhodani Colony farm on Zdovesil (Foreven 1212) A65588A-9.  

Sarissa do a good job of cutting the parts to fit - I had no trouble assembling the bits. The detail is very good.

MDF does like to drink paint, though. All surfaces had to be primed and painted, at least twice in the base colour, then several layers of highlighting. Still, the result was well worth it.

Unfortunately, there was no time to play the game, due to competing events at the Gameday, but I'll be running this again, with great enthusiasm, at Cold Wars and GZG-ECC next month...Ω

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