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In The Booth...

I hope you, my peeps, do not mind if I show you what The Talented B and I have in our booth at Ridge Antiques. I am over the moon about this turquoise tole tray. B painted the sweet chair and recovered the seat.

Then the find of all finds, by B, is a vintage laundry basket.
 It is filled now with old frames. You do not know how badly I want to bring this home with me.
But I am currently paying for a trip to Korea for CC. We are booking that flight today. 
Kiddos come first. 

Come see us if you are near Ridge Spring, South Carolina at Ridge Antiques on Highway 23. 
Ask for The Broome Closet booth. 
If you enjoy primitives the store has plenty of them.

Linking@Be Inspired

joy and peace

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